Note: This is a limited release - not available in bookstores, no ISBN or UPC code, no establishment media promotion. This is a first edition printing. Time permitting, an expanded and refined edition is planned for the future. While there is much that could be added to the present text, there is more than sufficient information within to help the reader identify safe and beneficial methods of coping with mental health and child development issues. The contents of this book are for educational purposes and are not intended for the purpose of diagnosis or treatment of any health concern. Those who have any mental or physical health concerns are encouraged to consult a qualified health care professional of their choice for diagnostic and treatment services.
Author's review:
In this most unusual mental health treatment guide, a variety of treatment approaches are discussed, with the inclusion of articles by a variety of healing practitioners that highlight some of the most effective approaches, while shedding light on the hazards of psychotropic drugs and excessive behavior modification, 2 approaches that have been pushed heavily in the last 50 years, especially in the area of juvenile treatment. Nutrition, subtle energy treatments, sound & music, expressive therapies, family therapy, hypnotherapy, neurofeedback, brain hemisphere synchronization, educational accomodations, parenting approaches, and other potentially helpful approaches are discussed. A scathing examination of the use of drug treatments is presented, with an analysis of the related agendas and the use of deception and pseudoscience to mislead health care providers and the public. This author's comments allude to the forces at work in civilization that contribute to mental health issues, as well as to the overall goals of suppressing health and freedom and increasing control of society by elite factions. The book contains an extensive list of additional books and Internet resources for further study. This book could be a valuable resource for those who wish to keep their children from being dumbed down and poisoned by the prevailing practices in schools and doctors' offices. While the focus of this book is on juvenile mental health, the information and resources it presents are also very much applicable to adults. Feedback for the author will be appreciated, as this is an initial compilation on this expansive subject, and a future edition is envisioned to include further documentation and further discussion of additional forms of healing, such as specific cognitive therapies, EMDR, therapeutic/supportive groups, and additional somatic treatments.